

Mental Health Representation in the Media


Many media sources portray mental disorders as so disruptive that they require social isolation.


The media often provides incorrect images or information about mental illness.


Media also tends to trivialize mental illness by depicting it as more or less severe than it really is.


The media often portrays a distorted image of the causes of mental illness, such as overplaying the role of genetics in mental illness.

 What Can We Do?

1. Analyze mass media production to gather an understanding of all of the driving factors of the unrealistic portrayals of mental health. 
2. Implementing a mental health training course for journalists and other media personnel. 
3. Consulting expert physiatrists during film and television production.
4. Presenting mental illness only when relevant to the story.
5. Using mental health terminology with respect and expertise.
6. Supporting the media forms that accurately portray a mental health experience.

Media you can get behind

First, We Make the Beast Beautiful

Former editor for Australia’s Cosmopolitan magazine, Sarah Wilson writes a hauntingly beautiful recount of her battle with anxiety. It is an engaging, and insightful narrative that reveals a way of life for those living with anxiety.

Little Panic

Amanda Stern uses her memoir to tell the tale of what it is like to live with a panic disorder. Stern’s recount of her memories are set in her childhood and teenage years. 

(Don’t) Call Me Crazy

In this book, Kelley Jensen attempts to destigmatize mental health by exploring the problematic word crazy. This book features stories from 33 people who speak about their mental illness and why we don’t talk about it enough. 

Furiously Happy

Furiously Happy explores the nuanced, often contradictory world of mental health through Jenny Lawson’s experience with depression. It shows people how they can thrive and find happiness in spite of mood disorders. 


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